Featured MMJ Strain: Chocolope
Chocolope, an earthy, fruity, and uplifting Sativa, is a tasty medical marijuana (medical cannabis) strain by DNA Genetics with highly cerebral effects. Chocolope’s effects are similar to most Sativas, but the mood-elevating and anti-stress effects are much more prevalent in this strain. Chocolope is also known for stimulating appetite heavily. The combination of uplifting energy along with mood elevation and stress-relieving properties makes this strain a perfect match for any patient battling depression or other mood disorders.
Chocolope is a cross done by DNA Genetics of Chocolate Thai and Cannalope. DNA crossed the OG Chocolate Thai female with a male Cannalope to create the original strain, and has since developed it out even more. Chocolope is said to bring back the note of chocolate which was more commonplace among good weed in the 80’s.
Chocolope grows huge and wide, and is best grown indoors. Many growers joke that “Chocolope will take over your garden.” The huge size is due to the strains Sativa genetics. Sativas typically grow much larger than indica plants, and can grow up to 20 feet high, a staggering height.
Included below are three reviews of Chocolope which MMJ patients posted on Leafly, a marijuana strain network for patients..
“The buzz itself doesn’t last for super long, but it leaves you with a feeling of optimism, happiness, and motivation that lasts for a really long time afterwards (at least three hours AFTER the buzz dies down). It’s the most clear-headed high I’ve ever had, and by far the best motivator strain if I ever need to get anything done. If you want a strain that helps you actually accomplish things this is the way to go.” –Magicmanfk
“keep forgetting how good this strain is, especially around 11:00am…a good late morning weed. Definitely feel like I don’t need any more coffee. You are very wide awake, and in a great mood. Not at all spacey. You can do anything you need to do (don’t drive) as far as necessary chores around the house. They don’t seem like such a pain in the ass with the help of Chocolope. This is an excellent social interaction weed as well. You and your friends will have a hilarious time.” –hi2
“I was a 90’s teenage smoker so I missed the Chocolate Thai craze of the 80’s – but I’m an absolute lover of Haze and all energetic sativas, so it’s no wonder I love this stuff. Kind of long, wispy, very sativa looking green/light-green/tan nugs – the Haze is obvious in the light-orange/pastel-pink long hairs creeping off the bud. Ground up it has a sweet/earthy/slight-cheese smell … enough funk to let you know it’s good, with an exotic hashy-sweetness. The smoke expands quickly in the lungs (again, very Haze-like) with a taste of baker’s chocolate and melon … very quick hitting heady high with lots of euphoria and a general sense of well-being and excitement. Great daytime medicine – and just a really fun/tasty/strong sativa high in general.” -BJW